Want to know more about me ?

I'm Mathis, a passionnate software engineer ! I enjoy creating robust and well-designed softwares using modern technologies.

I currently work in Dev/Ops and cloud architectures environments while also making full-stack applications and other projects. From mobile to web development and other related topics, I'm curious and enjoy improving my skills through side projects.

I'm experienced in Svelte /SvelteKit for Web Development, Flutter for Mobile Development and Dev/Ops practices on cloud architectures.

Learn more about the technologies and tools I currently use.

  • Location: France
  • Languages: French (native), English, Spanish
  • Hobbies: sports, music, traveling, ...

Professional Experience

Mar 2024 - Sep 2024 End-of-study internship Orange Meylan, Grenoble, France logo associated to the company or project

Instrumentation and observability studies using OpenTelemetry and associated technologies.

The aim of the internship is to work with the OpenTelemetry standard in order to instrument applications and have a better understanding of how they work.

At the same time, I'm developing my Dev/Ops skills on cloud environments such as Kubernetes /OpenShift deployments and others.

To get familiar with information systems and deployed applications, it's also important to work with the technologies associated with the OpenTelemetry standard and the observability ecosystem, such as Grafana , Jaeger and Prometheus , among others.

May 2023 - Aug 2023 Second year internship AVEVA Madrid, Madrid, Spain logo associated to the company or project

MES Delivery Service Integrator at AVEVA

Web development on AVEVA MES products such as AVEVA Work Tasks .

It was a great opportunity for me to deepen my skills in pure HTML /CSS /JS and to learn SQL stored procedures. The aim of the project was to integrate customer requirements into the AVEVA software. To develop a greater customer experience, it begins with the gathering of essentials information.

This traineeship gave me the opportunity to practice English and Spanish on a daily basis.

Sep 2022 - Sep 2024 Entrepreneurship PEPITE Bretagne, Brest, France

Entrepreneurial project for a mobile application

Based on my experience during the "Fabrik Ta Pépite" challenge, I decided to go on with the development of my project with the Statut National Etudiant Entrepreneur (SNEE) . This status enabled me to meet other project leaders, attend workshops to develop new skills and learn more about the entrepreneurship world. This opportunity allowed me to access a specific support on my project to make it grow, while developing my skills.

Jan 2022 - Jan 2022 First year internship ECRIN SYSTEMS, Crolles, France logo associated to the company or project

Cable fitter operator traineeship at ECRIN SYSTEMS

This company makes embedded computers and industrial systems used in submarines, boats and helicopters.

I took part in:

  • Assembling and wiring electronic components
  • Installation of motherboards and integrated screens

It was instructive and rewarding.

Dec 2021 - Dec 2022 Business Development Manager IMPACT, Brest, France logo associated to the company or project

Business Developer at IMPACT, the ENSTA Bretagne Junior Enterprise

My role within the ENSTA Bretagne Junior-Enterprise, IMPACT, as a sales representative, was a valuable experience.

A Junior-Entreprise is an association with the french law of 1901 managed by students for students, in a setup similar to a firm organization. It aims to provide students with practical projects in their field of expertise.

My goal was to diversify the J.E.'s clients while prospecting for new companies in the school's various areas of speciality. ENSTA Bretagne has 9 fields of competence in which students can contribute with their know-how.

In a few words, being a sales representative at IMPACT is :

  • A human, enriching and professionalising experience;
  • Meetings throughout the year and contact with customers;
  • Moments of cohesion with the members of the mandate;

what makes this adventure unique.

The job gave me the opportunity to take part in number of projects and discover areas in which I was less familiar, through a fun and stimulating experience.

Oct 2021 - Feb 2022 Entrepreneurship Brest, France logo associated to the company or project

Fabrik Ta Pépite challenge

To enter the contest, we present, together with two teammates, a food management application project. The challenge was to highlight its innovative aspect.

To achieve this, we drafted a dossier that would convince the jury of its potential. Through the various PEPITE Bretagne workshops and the competition contributors, we developed entrepreneurial skills.

See the website of the challenge for more infos.


Oct 2022 - Feb 2023 Side Project Brest, France

Aurion Synchronizer for ENSTA Bretagne

The aim of this first web project was to automate and retrieve the AURION timetable, managed by ENSTA Bretagne.

This enables lessons to be synchronised with a personal calendar app using the ICS format.

See GitHub

Sep 2022 - May 2023 Full year Project ENSTA Bretagne

IA MVTE - Study Project

As part of a team of 4 students, we resume a React Native mobile application in Flutter /Dart , converted a Javascript (JS) server to Typescript (TS), containerised it (Docker ) and automated the deployment. The aim was to provide a decision-making tool for doctors to help advise patient on their treatments.

MVTE stands for Maladie Veineuse ThromboEmbolique in french, i.e. Veinous ThromboEmbolism disease. This disease causes a blood clot (thrombus) to form in a vein, which can then migrate and block a pulmonary artery, resulting in a pulmonary embolism.

Sep 2022 - Aug 2024 Entrepreneurial project ENSTA Bretagne & Online

Food management application

This project aims to enhance the user experience on a daily management of foodstuffs. It's an opportunity for me to explore the field of entrepreneurship and put my IT skills into practice.

The technologies used are:

Aug 2021 - Aug 2024 Side Project Online

Obsidian Syncthing Integration

Personnally, in order to optimize note-taking across multiple devices, I developed an Obsidian plugin to integrate some of Syncthing 's functionality into the application.

This project requires web development skills, in particular using Typescript and Syncthing's REST API .

See Github for the source code.


Aug 2021 - Aug 2024 ENSTA Bretagne Brest, France logo associated to the company or project

Training as a student engineer, specialising in Digital Systems Design.

During my 3 years at ENSTA Bretagne , I was involved in various projects in addition to the courses.

After a general first year, focusing on mechanics, computer science and applied maths, I chose computer science specialization.

My learned knowledge enabled me to carry out various projects, as well as discover various aspects of development:

  • low-level development in C/C++,
  • cloud with Dev/Ops practices
  • mobile,
  • web,
  • fullstack (backend/frontend).

Furthermore, I've found a passion for cloud development and Dev/Ops practices.

Sep 2019 - Aug 2021 La Martinière Monplaisir Lyon, France logo associated to the company or project

Two-year intensive post-secondary school preparation in advanced Mathematics and Physics

I chose a PTSI/PT* scientific preparatory course at La Martinière Monplaisir . This specific one focuses on mathematics, physics-chemistry and engineering sciences, along with other subjects, in preparatory class for major french engineering schools competitive examinations.